Digital Trust Infrastructure
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There is a lot of information that could be relevant for tackling security issues, incidents and crises. Think of characteristics of companies, homes, residents and the immediate environment. In addition, changes such as the energy transition, aging population, cutbacks in healthcare and COVID are leading to a need for renewal in the approach to security issues and in the sharing of information between residents and, at first instance, the government. A data-driven approach to social issues can lead to an improvement in quality of life, more security and innovation. Unfortunately, unlocking the available information is still a challenge.
In addition to legal regulations and organizational interests, public values must also be safeguarded with regard to personal data. Individuals, in this context especially the residents, play an important role in this. First of all, some of the relevant information held by organizations concerns personal data. Residents will therefore have to give permission for sharing. In addition, residents themselves also have more and more (sensor) information that they want to share and that can be relevant in tackling social issues.
This project focuses on the question: ‘How can a desirable data-driven approach to social issues lead to an improvement in quality of life, more security and innovation?’ Specifically, it is about being able to share information conditionally in emergency situations: which scenarios of data exchange are possible and especially desirable?
A broad consortium including the Municipality of Amsterdam, the National Police and the Amsterdam-Amstelland Safety Region is working on real-time location-based data exchange in case of housing-related incidents. Citizen participation and public values – such as transparency, data control and people first – play a leading role.
Please see these articles and links for more:
- textileRef:150785160561e93cace35ad:linkStartMarker:“NGI article & interview
Responsible data sharing for emergencies – citizens in control”: - Data aware with students
- Digital Trust Infrastructure with embedded public values
- DVI on Gitlab
- Demonstrator Digital Trust Infrastructure
- Realistic movie of fire-scenario
- Website Digitale Vertrouwens Infrastructuur
Images & Video

New approaches for participation in digital society in distant times of COVID-19
(2021 )Marije Kanis, Joey van der Bie, Berber Nauta, Manon den Dunnen & Somaya Ben AllouchProceedings of CHI'21 workshop on Digital citizenship download